Archive for ستمبر, 2015


Apple peels contain as many as a dozen cancer-fighting chemical compounds, according to a study conducted by researchers at Cornell University and published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

“We found that several compounds have potent anti-proliferative activities against human liver, colon and breast cancer cells, and may be partially responsible for the anti-cancer activities of whole apples,” said Rui Hai Liu, an associate professor of food science.

The researchers extracted each individual chemical compound found in the peels of 230 pounds of Red Delicious apples. They then tested these compounds individually against cultures of cancer cells in the laboratory. They identified 12 compounds, called triterpenoids, which inhibited the growth of cancer cells or even killed them.

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - ستمبر 20, 2015 at 12:46 صبح

Categories: Anti Aging Fruits   Tags:


Mangosteen is anti-cancer and helps cancer prevention.
Various studies have shown that phytoceuticals in Mangosteen (in some cases known to be its xanthones) have properties such as: anti-tumor (shrinks tumors), anti-leukemia, antifungal (critical for all cancer patients), antibacterial (to protect DNA), antioxidants (at least two dozen different kinds of xanthones are in the mangosteen fruit), antiproliferation, kills cancer cells and causes apoptosis (programmed cell death) for some types of cancer. This is a pretty impressive list of cancer credentials!

This fruit has countless health benefits like ant-ulcer, anti-aging, antiviral, antibiotic, antifungal, anti-depressant, anti-obesity, anti-allergenic, anti-cataract, and many more.

Mangosteen also contains: catechins, polyphenols, minerals and vitamins.


Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - ستمبر 15, 2015 at 12:00 صبح

Categories: Anti Aging Fruits, Anti Aging Tips   Tags:
